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Get Informed, Get Registered, and Get Ready to Vote

Reader Voter Ready graphic

Libraries are nonpartisan, but they are not indifferent. The nation’s libraries play a critical role in our democracy, encouraging readers, educating voters and preparing all of us to participate in elections. 

This National Voter Registration Day, we're asking library advocates to pledge to get informed, get registered, and get ready to vote by joining the Reader, Voter, Ready campaign.

Voting is one of the greatest privileges and responsibilities of citizenship in the U.S. Yet, turnout in national elections is consistently lower than two-thirds of eligible voters. Participation rates among multiple demographic groups and in state or local elections are often lower still. There is frequent talk about the critical role of libraries in our democracy. What does that look like in practice? Libraries are nonpartisan, but they are not indifferent. As institutions that provide access to information, resources, programs, and public spaces for all members of a community, libraries are a cornerstone for civic engagement and more important than ever. 

Use the action form here to sign the Reader, Voter, Ready pledge and commit to voting this November. You can also find invaluable voter-engagement guides and other resources to get informed—and inform others—this election year.

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