Fight Censorship

Join the Unite Against Book Bans Campaign

The New York Public Library and the American Library Association are partnering to invite libraries, school groups, and readers across the country to participate in Books for All—a national initiative to help communities learn about and discuss some of the books that are being banned or challenged, along with ways to take action.
Show Up for Your Library and Library Workers
Report Censorship
As part of its longstanding commitment to defend intellectual freedom in libraries, the American Library Association maintains a database of attempted challenges and bans. If a book challenge takes place in your district, ALA may be able to provide support and more customized resources to oppose the attempted challenge or ban. Reports are confidential unless you give ALA permission to share your story.
Write a Letter to Media or Officials

Read a Banned or Challenged Book
Browse the ALA’s list of Frequently Challenged Books, find one that interests you, and check it out from your library! If they don’t have it, request it via ILL and ask that your library purchase a copy. And if the book is already checked out, request that a hold be placed for you for when the book returns.