On Friday night, President Trump signed an executive order calling for the elimination of the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS)—the nation’s only federal agency that provides funds for America’s libraries.
IMLS is an independent federal agency that supports libraries, archives, and museums of all kinds in every U.S. state and territory. Funding for IMLS is authorized by Congress through an annual appropriations process. In 2024, IMLS provided $266.7 million to America’s libraries, museums, and cultural institutions through grants, policymaking, and research.
Americans have loved and relied on public, school, and academic libraries for generations. By eliminating the only federal agency dedicated to funding library services, the Trump Administration’s executive order is cutting off at the knees the most beloved and trusted of American institutions and the staff and services they offer, including early literacy development, summer reading programs for kids, high-speed internet access, employment assistance for job seekers, braille and talking books for people with visual impairments, and so much more.
Tell Congress to Protect Libraries
The American Library Association released a statement in response to the executive order, saying:
To dismiss the mission of an agency that advances opportunity and learning is to dismiss the aspirations and everyday needs of millions of Americans. And those who will feel that loss most keenly live in rural communities.
As seedbeds of literacy and innovation, our nation’s 125,000 public, school, academic and special libraries deserve more, not less support. Libraries translate 0.003% of the federal budget into programs and services used in 1.2 billion in-person patron visits every year.
ALA implores President Trump to reconsider this short-sighted decision. We encourage U.S. Congressmembers, Senators and decision makers at every level of government to visit the libraries that serve their constituents and urge the White House to spare the modest federal funding for America’s libraries. And we call on all Americans who value reading, learning, and enrichment to reach out to their elected leaders and Show Up For Our Libraries at library and school meetings, town halls, and everywhere decisions are made about libraries.
“This is a time for unity,” said ALA President Cindy Hohl. “As a community of library and information professionals, we must face these threats by showing up together – library workers, friends, trustees and public supporters – to advocate for our patrons, our profession and our core values. The existential threats we’re facing now call us to draw on our greatest power: library stories that touch hearts and change minds, especially for decisionmakers. We ask you to call members of Congress to tell those powerful stories that show the true importance of our libraries.”
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What Can You Do?
As library lovers, your voice can make a difference. Here’s how you can help:
- Contact your representatives in Congress and tell them to protect our libraries. Our elected officials need to hear why we value our libraries. Share a story of how your library as helped you, and let them know that federal funding is essential for your library to continue providing the essential services that support our communities. Tell them to protect funding for IMLS!
- Show up for your library at library and school board meetings and town halls with your elected officials. Now is the time to raise our voices as loud as we can to protect libraries.
- Become a supporter of the American Library Association. Your support helps us advocate on behalf of libraries and library workers everywhere and fight for library funding.