Try Something New at Your Library Promotion
Try Something New a Your Library and Tell Us About it for a Chance to Win.

At I Love Libraries, we love showcasing the amazing things your library has to offer—and it’s not just about the books. (Though, let’s be honest, they’re pretty fantastic.) Libraries are always growing by adding new collections, programs, and services designed to help everyone in the community reach their personal goals.

September is Library Card Sign-up Month, so we’re challenging you to try something new at your library and share your experience with us. Whether it’s exploring a new service, picking up a fresh skill, or even getting your very first library card, we want to hear about it. And because we’re all about having fun, everyone who participates will be entered into a random drawing for some great prizes.

So, what’s been on your goal list for a while? Now might be the perfect time to dive in and get started!

  • Get crafty: Ready to try something new? Check out a DIY craft kit or grab a how-to book.
  • Tackle that tech challenge: The gadget that’s been sitting in the box since Christmas? It’s time to figure it out. The library can help.
  • Switch it up: Love your romance novels? Why not branch out and give another genre a try? You can even get personalized book recommendations from your librarian.
  • Level up your skills: Sign up for one of the free online classes your library offers and take that next step.
  • Find your crew: Been thinking about joining a book club or knitting circle? Now’s the perfect time.
  • Explore the unexpected: Your library’s collection is full of surprises—many now have cookware, tools, sporting equipment, and more available to lend.
  • Create something epic: From the makerspace to the digital lab, your library is the place to bring those creative ideas to life.

So, grab your library card and roll out to your library during September to try something new. Then fill out the form below and tell us about your experience. At the end of the month, we’ll conduct a random drawing to select winners. Submit a photo for a bonus entry!

First Prize (1): $150 Visa Gift Card
Second Prize (3): Your choice of poster from the ALA Store

Limit of four entries per person. I Love Libraries may share your entry on our website or social media, but only your first name and state of residency will be used.

Official Rules (PDF)

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